…off the old blockflute

The Birmingham Chapter of
the American Guild of Organists


A Word from the Dean

Greetings to all of you! As we look to begin a new program year, it is my hope that you have all found the time for rest and refreshment over the course of the summer. We have another exciting lineup of chapter programs for the coming year.

We begin on Monday, September 9, with a social as we meet for dinner at the Pita Stop Express in Cahaba Heights. We had such an occasion at that very restaurant two years ago, and it proved to be a most enjoyable occasion for all who attended. Please RSVP to Mike Burt –, or (205) 201-3838 – by no later than Sunday evening, September 8, so that we can get an accurate head-count of the number of people attending. Please feel free to invite a prospective new member!

Our October program will be at the Cathedral Church of the Advent with dinner at 6:00, followed by a brief chapter business meeting. Then, at 7:00 we will proceed to the choir room, where I will give a presentation on the music and work of Sir Edward Bairstow (1874-1946), longtime Organ and Master of Music at York Minster, in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the year of his birth.

Our program on Saturday, November 16 11:00 a.m., at Independent Presbyterian Church, will be a session on organ practice strategies, led by Anne Laver, who is also playing on the November Organ Recital Series at IPC the next day. Dr. Laver is professor and University Organist at Syracuse University in New York. For a full description of her presentation, please see the calendar of events below. Lunch at a nearby restaurant will follow, for those who wish to join.

On Friday, January 10, 6:00 p.m., we will have our annual Epiphany Party, hosted by Thomas Graves in his home. The remaining programs for the 2024-25 season are still in the planning stages. We are planning on an organ crawl to see various organs in the Cullman area, rescheduled from last year. We will update you with details once we have them.

Another program in store for us is a presentation on the recently rebuilt and revitalized organ at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, bringing back to life the tonal resources of the 1920 Austin organ in the chancel (expanded with tonal revisions), along with significant improvements to the tonal resources at the rear of the nave, combining them into a harmonious whole that is unique among organs in the state of Alabama. This will be led by John Schwandt, who played an important role in voicing the pipework, and Barry Norris, who led the rebuilding effort.

We will also have the AGO Student Recital again, as we did last year. We also plan to resume our scholarship competitions in the spring. Finally, on we are planing to conclude the program year with a special festive choral program, involving choirs in the Birmingham area. More details will be forthcoming as plans take shape.

I look forward to seeing many of you at our upcoming meetings and programs!
Charles Kennedy, Dean

Executive Committee Update

The election for Officers for 2024-2026, and Members-at-Large for the Executive Committee, class of 2024-2027, concluded on May 22. Charles Kennedy was re-elected as Dean, Dan Lawhon was elected as Secretary, and Mike Burt was re-elected as Treasurer. Thomas Graves and Mike Sparks were elected to serve on the Executive Committee for the next three years. Their terms began on July 1.

In addition to Thomas and Mike, I would like to thank Rachel Julian and David Reneker for agreeing to be on the nomination slate for the two open positions on the Executive Committee, and for their willingness to serve. I would also like to thank the Nominating Committee – Mark Hayes, Sam Burke, and Debby Holmes – for their diligent work in finding qualified candidates willing to serve and be nominated for election. Special thanks, as well, to Barry Norris, whose term concluded on June 30, for his service on Executive Committee for 2021-2024.

With the election of Dan Lawhon as Secretary, a vacancy was created for Member-at-Large, class of 2023-2026. The Executive Committee, upon my recommendation, approved the appointment of John Lowe, the newly appointed Director of Music and Organist of St. Mary’s on the Highlands Episcopal Church, to fill this vacancy. John brings with him much energy and vitality to our musical community, and we are very pleased to welcome him to the Birmingham Chapter and to the Executive Committee of our Chapter, where no doubt he will make positive contributions and bring fresh ideas to the table.

Website Updates

As announced last year, Mike Sparks, who has previous experience setting up and managing the website at his church, has agreed to be the point person for technical questions concerning the website, in a sort of simplified webmaster role. Mike is working on a number of changes and improvements to our website. We welcome your ideas and feedback regarding ways to improve the function and utility of our website.

Upcoming 2024-2025 Chapter Events

Monday, September 9 – Chapter Dinner and Meeting
     Venue: The Pita Stop Express
     Schedule: Dinner at 6:00 p.m., followed by a short business meeting

Monday, October 14 – Chapter Meeting
     Venue: The Cathedral Church of the Advent
     Schedule: Dinner at 6:00 p.m., followed by program at 7:00 p.m.
     Program: The Music of Sir Edward Bairstow, in Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of   the Year of his Birth, presented by Charles Kennedy

Saturday, November 16 – Chapter Program                 
     Venue: Independent Presbyterian Church
     Schedule: Program at 11:00 a.m., lunch to follow at a nearby restaurant
     Program: Strategies for Productive Practicing, presented by Anne Laver
Description: Are you looking for techniques to refresh your practice sessions? Are you a teacher looking for tips to pass on to your students? This workshop will offer ways to make the best possible use of limited practice time. Anne Laver will discuss the importance of simple physical warm-ups and mindfulness techniques to start a practice session and will then share specific strategies for standard repertoire. We will also discuss how to adapt some of these strategies for choir rehearsals. Workshop attendees are encouraged to bring pieces or excerpts to be used as case studies.

Friday, January 10 – Epiphany Party
     Venue: Home of Thomas Graves
     Schedule: 6:00 p.m.

Remaining programs for the season are still being planned. These will include a presentation on the recently rebuilt organ at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church by John Schwandt and Barry Norris, an organ crawl to the Cullman area, the annual student recital, and a choral festival program. Stay tuned!

Flashback: Abigail Crafton Organ Recital

On Sunday, May 5, Abigail Crafton, first prize winner of the 2023 Southeast AGO/Quimby Regional Competition for Young Organists, performed a brilliant recital at Episcopal Church of the Ascension, following a Guild Service of Compline, for which Miss Crafton also played, including an opening voluntary and congregational hymns. Her program included music of J. S. Bach, Rachel Laurin, and Louis Vierne. The at-the-time 16-year-old young artist played with great poise and musicianship at a level unusual for her age, displaying a flawless technique and a lyrical sense to her playing. It was announced at the time that Miss Crafton had been accepted for study at the Eastman School of Music this fall, where she is now studying with Nathan Laube. Abigail Crafton is most definitely a “Rising Star” to watch, with great promise for a bright future as she continues her studies and embarks upon a performing career!